An environment of excellence brings out the best in our high schoolers, helping them grow into adults and be prepared for college, career, and calling.
Our high school is defined by strong academics, an emphasis on discipleship, small class sizes, and a family atmosphere. Challenging classes, including a growing number of Advanced Placement and concurrent credit courses, offer students the opportunity to stretch themselves academically.
We have a strong tradition of athletic excellence. Competitive athletic programs – in the fall, winter and spring – offer opportunities for personal growth and leadership development. Our teams have competed in state tournaments over the last several years.
We are committed to providing students with an education that equips them spiritually. Students grow as disciples through dynamic Bible classes, weekly chapels, and an academic environment that approaches every subject with a Biblical worldview.
MOTUS Mentoring
MOTUS (Latin for movement) teams were created to help students move forward by providing spiritual support, direction, and encouragement through our gifted faculty. We believe spiritual mentorship improves the community health of our student body and results in a higher rate of success (both spiritually and academically). By receiving mentoring, students achieve goals, accomplish tasks, and gain perspective for their spiritual journey.
Student Life
“Student life is about creating experiences for young people to enrich them, inspire them, and catalyze them,” shared Cameron Cox, Sound Christian Academy’s Dean of Students. “I want students to connect, whether it’s through a fun event, service in the neighborhood, or experience with another culture.”
The arts are an essential part of our school. We have developed education tracks of art-related core curriculum and electives. These include traditional art classes, music instruction, theater, speech, interrelated literature, poetry, and creative writing.
Outcomes for graduates
Faith Goals
It is our objective to train, teach by example, and inspire students to:
- Know Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.
- Honor God the Father, emulate His Son Jesus Christ our Lord, and follow the Holy Spirit.
- Grow in their Christian walk and continue to follow Christ.
- Leave our school firm in their faith, able to articulate and defend the Christian faith in the world.
- Be committed to fulfilling the Great Commission.
- Be active in a local church, serving God and others.
- Be able to apply God’s Word in their daily life.
- Have the desire to love God with all their heart, mind, soul and strength.
- Have the desire to love their neighbor as themselves.
- Boldly explore God’s purpose for their lives, and to take personal ownership of Biblical truth.
- Understand and maintain a personal Biblical worldview.
- Understand and practice the spiritual disciplines of prayer, fasting, stewardship, and fellowship.
- Be prepared to build strong families that continue the heritage of God’s people.
- Be productive, God-honoring citizens who strengthen and provide service and leadership for their communities.
Knowledge Goals
It is our objective to provide an academic curriculum of excellence and to teach and train students in such a way that they will:
- Master core competencies in academic disciplines including reading, writing, speaking, mathematics, history, the sciences, geography, languages, the arts, and personal finances.
- Be prepared for college, university, a future in the military, specialized trade school, or God’s calling for their lives.
- Be biblically literate and understand God’s Word.
Skill Goals
It is our objective to educate and train students in such a way that they will:
- Utilize effective study skills, test-taking techniques, listening, observing, critical thinking, and logic.
- Become wise decision-makers, problem solvers, and creative thinkers.
- Achieve excellence in written and verbal communication.
- Be able to find information resources, use technology, analyze and evaluate information, perform academic research.
- Practice healthy eating habits, health and physical maintenance, and personal hygiene.
- Enjoy mature and responsible human relationships, and foster respect and integrity with others.
- Practice responsible stewardship of God’s creation and resources.